Many sellers - often ask:
How much can I get for my business?
How long will it take to sell my business?
The answer is normally: If your business makes a profit and you are prepared to consider a realistic price it is almost guaranteed that it can sell.
The two unknown factors remain namely the net profit the business generates and how the business is presented for sale to get the best market related price.
These two unknown factors are however correlated in that the better the business is prepared, evaluated and presented to sell the quicker it can happen.
At Bizexpo we understand this and has assisted in the process of transferring businesses from willing sellers to willing buyers for many years.
Mandate Modus Operandi:
The first step is to complete a mandate, which we use as an agreement to provide us with permission to assist you with the sale of your business. The mandate is also used to capture all the necessary information about the business, in terms of its history and background, income and expense and staff compliment etc.
To get your business in the eye of prospective buyers on our website as soon as possible we provide an easy to complete business listing form for completion to be returned with at least 8-10 photos reflecting the business best for website exposure.
We will proceed as follows to list your business.
Prepare a business valuation - to determine the best realistic market related value.
Setup the listing on our website - listed with a reference number in the business for sale page.
List the business on our online marketing platforms and social media - groups, pages and forums.
Investigate potential leads through our database of buyers and networks - these are existing profiled buyers.
Receive enquiries and begin qualifying buyers - to ensure we understand the buyers’ requirements and affordability.
Once we have feedback from qualified buyers, we will then schedule initial introductory meetings and based on the outcome of these buyer meetings, we will finalize the next steps in terms of the buyers’ completion of the due diligence and drafting of the sales agreement.
Documents to be available for proposed buyers to do due diligence:
Latest financial statements
Inventory of all assets included in the deal (Asset register)
Cash register printouts of sales and cash up reports
Card merchant & Bank statements
Copy of the lease agreement
Copy of valid license (Applicable for liquor related businesses)
Copy of legal statutory records (If applicable
Most of our work is done on internet and we are able to list and sell businesses countrywide fast and effectively.